Davida Green known as Vida, has penned a volumnous message of thanks to her support for their efforts during her time of ailment last year.
Vida was revealed to have been suffering from complicated internal ailments that required life saving surgery at the earliest possible time.
Colleagues had rallied around and commenced thprocesse but it was discovered to be insufficient and had gone public to ask for assistance.
The country in a surprising turn of events had taken it up giving it the attention it needed.
The first Lady of the Republic of Sierra Leone had reached out to a third party to also help.
Over time she has undergone the surgeries needed, is out of the woods and well on her way to recoveries.
Today, Vida who came in last week, wrote a thank you message to colleagues, diasporans and family who stood by her to ensure her recovery.
She thanked sisters who supported her by praying with her, giving her strength and courage to get through treatment.
She thanks media supporters who organized and promoted that "Vida Green Concert" to raise funds and contribute to her medical bills.
The public has been restlessly seeking for information and this message from her is just what is needed to allay their concerns.