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New Youth Envoy Yulisa Ahmadu plans to commence work this week

Entrepreneur Yulisa Ahmadu who was appointed as Youth Envoy on 25th May 2023 by His Excellency President Bio, has disclosed to this medium that he will be flying in to Sierra Leone this week to commence working on his terms of appointment.

Speaking, the Media man explained that his vision for improving youths' lives using employment and skills development had existed for a while now, and that with this appointment, the possibilities open to him are endless.

Mr. Ahmadu remarked that connecting Sierra Leonean Youths to opportunities like grants, scholarships, and entrepreneurial opportunities worldwide will be key in this office.

Globally he will be advocating for young Sierra Leoneans at the UN Youth Assembly, The AU youth parliament and nationally across various departments and agencies operating in Sierra Leone under the supervision of the Youth Ministry.

Mr. Ahmadu who had recently been involved in programs providing capital for start ups and providing legal aid for incarcerated youths, says he will be improving on these activities with the backing of government ministries and departments.


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