The ministry of lands, housing and country planning has commenced a registration exercise for Motor bikes and motor tricycle riders residing in Western Urban and Western Rural.
The exercise which commenced on 31st March and projected to last until 12th April, is to enable these people to own lands and personal homes.
The outreach and mobile registration/application process was done by the Media and Public Relations Office of the Ministry of lands, with consulting group, Jamboree consult.
The registration schedule will continue at these locations and on these dates:
Model Junction - 31st March 2023
Kingtom - 1st April 2023
Wilberforce - 3rd April 2023
Lumley - 4th April 2023
UpGun - 5th April 2023
Shell - 6th April 2023
Wellington - 7th April 2023
Jui - 8th April 2023
Waterloo - 10th April 2023
Kent - 11th April 2023
Hamilton - 12th April 2023
When questioned by this medium on the transparency and fairness of this registration and raffle, Public relations Officer of the Ministry of lands Abdul Fonti Kabia stated that their Ministry is working closely with the Okada and Kekeh Unions to ensure that only commercial riders participate and benefit from the raffle.
As a second security measure, applicants must present riders license and union membership proof before applications are accepted, whilst the draw will be conducted in full view of participants, ACC, civil society, journalists, members of the general public and streamed live on social media platforms and national television.