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In Sierra Leone: Nigerian Businessman Detained for Cocaine Trafficking

During his initial court appearance, Momodu Rakib, a Nigerian businessman, was remanded into custody for the transportation of twenty pellets of cocaine into Sierra Leone. The accused, Mr. Rakib, appeared before Magistrate Kekura at the Pademba Road Court No. 1 in Freetown on Thursday, September 3, 2024, facing five counts of charges related to prohibited drugs, including trafficking, transportation, commercialization, and possession without lawful authority.

On Saturday, September 14, 2024, at the Freetown International Airport Lungi, Port Loko District, Northern Sierra Leone, the accused was found in possession of twenty pellets of cocaine without lawful authority. 

Furthermore, at the same time and place, the accused allegedly engaged in trafficking, transporting, commercializing, and possessing prohibited drugs without lawful authority.

The accused refrained from entering a plea after the charges were presented and explained due to being arraigned for preliminary investigation. 

State prosecutor I.A. Kamara, Esq., requested an adjournment to confer with the witness properly. 

Following a request from the defense counsel, Magistrate Kekura remanded the accused into custody and adjourned the matter to October 8, 2024.


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