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Hon. Benjamin Turay pledges empowerment initiatives for his communities’ cultural organizations

Melvin Tejan Mansaray

On Saturday, February 24, 2024, the Honorable Benjamin Turay, representing the Western Area Urban District Sierra Leone People's Party and serving as Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Oversight Committee on Lands and Country Planning, met with the Executive Members of the Arie Britain Cultural Union and the New England Ville Community Development Organizations at his residence in Baw Baw.

Arie Britain and NECDO have served the New England Ville Community in Freetown for over twenty years, providing services in water, culture, and communal matters. The Members of the Organizations expressed their appreciation for the support the MP offered them during a court matter and pledged their unwavering support to him and his district development activities.

The Members also requested that the MP assist them in the signing of the Common Ground land document. In response, Hon. Benjamin expressed his gratitude for the Organizations' members' gratitude for his interventions.

He pledged to facilitate the organization's networking with the Youth Commission for opportunities on their various projects targeting young people and their request for true ownership of the famous Common Ground. He also disbursed some cash to Members of the Organizations, assuring them of his continued support for matters of district and community development.

The courtesy call concluded with a rendition of cultural songs honoring Hon. Benjamin Turay's good work.


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